Sunday, June 20, 2010

Back to work

I'm back!  VBS was a complete success, thanks to the hard work of all of my wonderful volunteers.  I've been way too busy to blog, sorry!  More will follow in the coming days.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Prayer Needed for Teen Sailor

Emergency crews in the Indian Ocean are racing to reach a Southern California teenager in distress.  Abby Sunderland, a 16 year old sailor from Thousand Oaks, lost contact with her parents and activated her emergency beacon after being battered by 60 knot winds.  Her parents and friends are asking for prayer.

Photo of the Day - June 10, 2010

From unknown via 500px

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Photo of the Day - June 9, 2010

From argg via Flickr

Tasty Photo of the Day

I so want sweet potato fries right now.  Recipe here

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


 I am writing about something that I feel is plaguing the Christian community.  Or perhaps, it stands out because I know that I myself have struggled with it...  Pride.  Cynicism.  One uppers and knowitalls.  Sermon haters and text critics.  If they didn't think of it first, they will find something wrong with it.  Our modern world of user interaction and mini-publications such as Twitter and Facebook have us thinking that everything that we say is God's gospel truth simply because 3 people Liked it. It makes me so angry - I feel like praying an imprecation.  Praying for God to wake us up, to snap us out of this nasty habit that we have.

Photo of the Day - June 7, 2010

via we<3it

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Praying for Golf Games

I was reading more of Francis Chan's book Forgotten God when I had an epiphany.  OK, epiphany is probably too strong - perhaps it was just a slight realization?  It was at a funny time too - when Chan was talking about the basics of the Holy Spirit.  I have this problem when I read a book that isn't written primarily to make me feel dumb scholarly of just glossing over the sections.  I think it's a defense mechanism that I have developed in order to be able to stay sane through reading all of my school stuff.  Anyways... Where was I?

Photo of the Day - June 5, 2010


Friday, June 4, 2010

What I'm Listening to: Jack Johnson

Stressed?  Here's your remedy: Put on some shorts and flips flops, find a hammock, and put Jack Johnson En Concert on.  JJ has personally influenced my guitar playing style over the past decade and has helped me develop that calm cool persona you all know and love... anyways, he's a cool guy and he makes amazing music!  His debut album, Brushfire Fairytales is one of my top 10 albums of all time.  This is a live album with songs that stretch across his musical career with some surprises.  Full review will come soon.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go eat some Banana Pancakes and pretend like it's the weekend.

It's also on sale for $3.99 on Amazon MP3 downloads - a bargain!

Photo of the Day - June 4, 2010

Copyright PatrickSmithPhotography via Flickr

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Picture of the Day - June 2, 2010

Copyright Patrick Slaven via Flickr

Lift Comes to a Close

Tonight was the last midweek Lift children's service of the school year.  It has been a phenomenal year!  I am the one who is blessed to serve these wonderful children of God.  Honestly, if you've never worked with kids before and you have a heart, you will enjoy children's ministry!  Anyways, we have a lot of stuff planned for the summer.  These kids are going to have a blast!

And now, I'm tired. I need a nap.